Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fed up:

                                                            FED UP with the College?

there are many (believe me there are) students who are quite intelligent but somehow fail to score in the Engineering Entrance Exams....

...and all of us know what happens after that.We get some distant,far away and most importantly not "Our Choice" of College

But our hands are tied ! Theres nothing to do.Nowhere to Go !

We have to take admission in the Engineering College that we get .Theres no option.
We complete FE ie First Year Engineering.
but we are totally fed up with that college(not always bcoz the college and teachers are bad,but bcoz the college maybe too far away etc)

So is there any solution?
Yes.There is.

You CAN change your college in the SE(second year engg) !

this blogger is there to help you all with everything...
watch this space for more!
